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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Last Light Warms Sand Harbor
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14-JUN-2013 Sandi Whitteker

Last Light Warms Sand Harbor

Lake Tahoe, NV

I never tire of photographing this beautiful cove.

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Karen Moen09-Dec-2015 19:30
Gorgeous color, light and composition. Voted.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)09-Jul-2014 19:04
Such a wonderful collection.VVV
joseantonio11-Nov-2013 20:06
Light and colors are just magnificent.V.
Guest 30-Jul-2013 21:16
love this!!! you should totally put this and all of your work on

You'll definitely get a lot of recognition on their website and will get on their "Editor's Choice" gallery; check it out!
vifut29-Jul-2013 20:37
Very nice and warm atmosphere - You must be very lucky living so close to this place. (V)
Chris Spracklen29-Jul-2013 15:29
Hmmm, simply gorgeous watery landscape shot, Sandi.
The light is sublime. *BV*
Martin Lamoon28-Jul-2013 14:03
Wonderful capture of the light and superb scene. V
Gaétan Bolduc27-Jul-2013 17:17
Beautiful composition and wonderful light & colors V
Helen Betts27-Jul-2013 14:19
The color and light are just spectacular, Sandi. A marvelous composition as well. I can see why you never tire of this place! V.
Guest 27-Jul-2013 09:51
Jim Coffman27-Jul-2013 02:51
Very beautiful,Sandi! I would never tire of seeing this beautiful place..
Doug Sherman26-Jul-2013 23:07
Beautiful composition and light. Great job Sandi!
Carol Rollins26-Jul-2013 16:45
That's gorgeous. You not only captured that beautiful light, but your composition is top
notch! ~
Jean Chiasson26-Jul-2013 15:40
Great composition and view Sandi vote
globalgadabout26-Jul-2013 15:19
what a rich glow to the shoreline...striking comp captures a fantastic scene...V
Wolfgang Bluhm26-Jul-2013 13:55
Great composition and light.
Stephanie26-Jul-2013 13:33
Gorgeous!!! :))
Fong Lam26-Jul-2013 12:55
Beautiful view with gorgeous light and colors, Sandi...V
Tom Briggs26-Jul-2013 12:28
Beautifully composed ... v
Graeme26-Jul-2013 08:08
And we never tire viewing your wonderful scenes, Sandi. Here is another masterpiece!! BBV
Gerard Koehl26-Jul-2013 07:55
Magnifique avec cette lumière rasante. V
olivier bruning26-Jul-2013 07:13
gorgeous Sandi! the colour setting is awesome. V
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