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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Making the Best of a Broken Down Limo
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25-OCT-2012 Sandi Whitteker

Making the Best of a Broken Down Limo

Lake Tahoe, CA

Ran around getting a few snow shots, when our limo broke
down on the way to a photo shoot in Apple Valley.

Visit the Carsons City Living Gallery, for more photos from this area, at...

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Tom LeRoy17-Feb-2013 16:53
Wow, great looking star burst, maybe makes up for the breakdown a little. V
globalgadabout14-Feb-2013 15:50
what a sparkling image...the shadows are key elements too..
Guest 13-Feb-2013 21:41
Very skilled use of the sunlight and trees in this beautiful snow landscape,Sandi! :>)
Ann Pettigrew13-Feb-2013 21:27
You did well, Sandi! This is so beautiful! Could be a calendar page!
Guest 13-Feb-2013 20:30
You captured a star...nothing could be better
Martin Lamoon13-Feb-2013 19:42
Superb capture of the wintery scene. v
Peter Sussex13-Feb-2013 18:37
Splendid and vibrant winter wonder, like its title as well. V
MarcViskens13-Feb-2013 18:23
excellent composition
vifut13-Feb-2013 18:21
Another 'star' photo ! (V)
Jim Coffman13-Feb-2013 18:08
Outstanding work,Sandi!!!
joseantonio13-Feb-2013 17:49
You did a lovely job capturing this beautiful image with that amazing light.V
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