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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Borrego Sculptures and more > Godzilla Plans His Attack!
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Sandi Whitteker

Godzilla Plans His Attack!

Borrego, CA

Been a few years since I've visited Borrego, and in that time, the desert floor has become an
open air art museum to one sculpture artist. Amazing sculptures are here and there and everywhere.
Heaven forbid you don't realize this, decide to take a stroll in the dark, and happen upon the this guy!
Borrego Gallery -

other sizes: small medium original auto
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J. Scott Coile19-Apr-2013 16:30
Excellent with the city lights in the distance.
cits_4_pets22-Aug-2012 17:18
LOL, bet some fun pranks have been played. Great juxtaposition. Excellent!!!
Guest 04-May-2012 09:26
Love it Sandy, great mood too.
Nestor Derkach26-Apr-2012 16:33
Amazing sculpture captured with expertise camera execution.
Guest 04-Apr-2012 12:31
A great night capture of this impressive fantasy. Wonderful background sky detail too.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad04-Apr-2012 02:37
Yikes! The beast almost looks real. The colours and tones are so organic.
Patricia Kay03-Apr-2012 21:46
Wouldnt like to meet him on a dark night!...Great shot Sandi...BV
Terry Olsen03-Apr-2012 20:54
Amazing night time shot! Very well done. V
Peter Sussex03-Apr-2012 20:01
Boorego? Or Jurassic Park?) Unique capture, V
Brad Claypole03-Apr-2012 19:49
Great lighting and sky
H. P. Henriksen Starman03-Apr-2012 13:30
Impressive shot in an unusual situation. v.
Terri Steele03-Apr-2012 13:09
LOL.... awesome! ;)
Graeme03-Apr-2012 10:50
This is an amazing shot Sandi, how fascinating!BV
Stephanie03-Apr-2012 09:23
This is an outstanding capture Sandi!!!! My compliments to you! BV
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