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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> By the Sea > Day is Done
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Sandi Whitteker

Day is Done

Oceanside, California

The setting sun peeks through the pilons of the Oceanside pier, as pedestrians stroll
along the pier and enjoy the moment. You never know about sunsets. They're always a surprise.

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Jean Chiasson03-Feb-2013 16:50
De toute beauté bravo Sandi big vote
godro28-Aug-2012 19:09
Nice sweet light and compo bravo!!!
Buz Kiefer02-May-2012 00:29
Lovely sunset. Vote.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)20-Apr-2012 17:17
Great shot,incredible colors...BV
Guest 22-Mar-2012 05:27
Outstanding capture, Sandi.
Patricia Kay20-Mar-2012 12:30
Stunning sunset image Sandi...BV
Coleen Perilloux Landry19-Mar-2012 23:02
Glorious. V
Graeme19-Mar-2012 22:39
A fabulous sunset & silhouettes of this pier, Sandi.BV
Robbie D7019-Mar-2012 21:51
Beautiful and moody sunset.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)18-Mar-2012 23:14
Beautiful sunset cast….V
Ken Chambers ARPS18-Mar-2012 18:04
Reflections at the end of a day.
Peter Sussex18-Mar-2012 15:47
Day is done and your work is done. Perfectly. V
Stephanie18-Mar-2012 12:41
What a gorgeous image Sandi!!! Love the golden tones !! V
CM Kwan18-Mar-2012 12:10
Love the warm colours, Sandi! V
Gerard Koehl18-Mar-2012 07:31
Magnifique coucher de soleil. V
Guest 18-Mar-2012 06:21
Great capture of this beautiful light.
Scott Browne18-Mar-2012 01:45
Beautifully done.
Dennis Camp17-Mar-2012 23:39
Super capture, nice place for a walk.
James O. Harle17-Mar-2012 21:40
Well Done Sandi!
Guest 17-Mar-2012 21:37
Beautiful colors and comp..v
goelsamuel17-Mar-2012 21:27
Gorgeous colors ! +V+
Claude Martin17-Mar-2012 21:18
Fabulous sunset... you have a very structural motif in front. V
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