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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA > Dragon Flies Everywhere!
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Sandi Whitteker

Dragon Flies Everywhere!

Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA

From not being able to capture even one at the pond, as they flitted around doing
their thing, to finding their resting place and having them everywhere. What a find!
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Sam Rua31-Oct-2011 02:58
Cool comp, Sandi.
Guest 30-Oct-2011 18:21
acrobatic! V
Irene Wehrli30-Oct-2011 08:20
A spectacular shot Sandi - two at one time, great pov!
LynnH30-Oct-2011 01:34
Great vivid colors!! You were lucky that they held still for a photo op! V
Graeme29-Oct-2011 17:55
A beautiful close up of one Sandi. Worth the wait!BV
Guest 29-Oct-2011 05:40
Cindi Smith29-Oct-2011 05:20
Love these orange very cool!
Guest 29-Oct-2011 04:19
good details.....lines texture, color, value space
Guest 29-Oct-2011 00:44
Terrific image, Sandi.
carol j. phipps29-Oct-2011 00:17
Beautiful! Can't see enough of these ~ always a good photo opportunity.
Janet Donnelly28-Oct-2011 23:49
Great catch..... spectacular colors!
Guest 28-Oct-2011 22:09
Lovely macro! _V_
Guest 28-Oct-2011 21:47
Very nice close up!! Lovely colors! V
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