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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Zoo and Safari Park Two > Dove of Peace
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Sept. 28, 2011 Sandi Whitteker

Dove of Peace

SD Zoo

So lucky on this one. Just time for a quick snap, and it was gone with it's treasure.
How it turned out reminds me of the dove of peace, and we could sure use some of that.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 02-Nov-2011 14:29
So beautifull with that clear light as an halo! V
Cindi Smith25-Oct-2011 21:32
This is wonderful. Love the pov and the image. PErfect!
Janice Dunn25-Oct-2011 05:57
Exquisite bird Sandi
Guest 25-Oct-2011 05:47
Beautiful color. Beautiful composition ...excellent creative work
Jola Dziubinska24-Oct-2011 23:06
This is so sweet, lovely bokeh and pov. V.
Janet Donnelly24-Oct-2011 20:46
Congratulations on landing writing job! Great photo here too!
Patricia Kay24-Oct-2011 19:53
Excellent details and beautiful light Sandi...BV
Marjan Schavemaker24-Oct-2011 19:19
Great capture, Sandi! V
Guest 24-Oct-2011 15:24
Beautiful, fantastic capture with lovely detail and color!! V
Wolfgang Bluhm24-Oct-2011 13:17
Fabulous job under difficult lighting!
Stephanie24-Oct-2011 08:53
Magnificent capture of this beautiful bird! I love your pov Sandi! V
Guest 24-Oct-2011 08:31
Stunning shot !!!
Gerard Koehl24-Oct-2011 04:41
Original... V
Guest 24-Oct-2011 02:23
Great catch! _V_
carol j. phipps24-Oct-2011 02:03
Lovely! Warm! Pleasing!
PauloCGama24-Oct-2011 01:28
Excellent pov, Sandi. Beautiful details & light.
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