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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Playing with Pics > Chess Anyone?
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Sandi Whitteker

Chess Anyone?

Ramona, CA

Getting a new perspective on chess. Got down with some cute pottery chess pieces.

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Guest 21-Oct-2011 09:50
Excellent result, I like the texture too and the shallow DOF !!!
LynnH20-Oct-2011 18:09
Great textures! Love the big contrasty shadows too! V
Walter Otto Koenig20-Oct-2011 15:55
Cool shot with this processing and depth of field. I would have trouble playing with this set.
Janice Dunn20-Oct-2011 09:59
What a wonderful chess set this is.
Stephanie20-Oct-2011 07:40
Nicely done Sandi! I don't know how to play chess.... Do you?
Dan Greenberg20-Oct-2011 05:01
Super cool angle and processing and of course that intense bokeh.
Gerard Koehl20-Oct-2011 04:48
Magnifique. V
Guest 20-Oct-2011 02:49
Very fun and beautiful textures. Nicely done.
Guest 20-Oct-2011 02:48
Nice processing Sandi! Beautiful compo, texture and tones!! V
Guest 20-Oct-2011 01:41
Great composition! _BV_
Guest 20-Oct-2011 01:38
A pottery chess set how great is that... nice bokeh too.
Cindi Smith20-Oct-2011 01:23
Excellent textures and tones. Love the processing!
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