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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA > Macro Art
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Sept, 2011 Sandi Whitteker

Macro Art

Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA

More fun at the botanical gardens. Must start learning the names of these plants!
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godro11-Mar-2013 20:07
Beautiful composition,well done!
Bernard Bosmans19-Oct-2012 03:08
Wonderful fireworks display, beautiful macro shot Sandi. V.
Patrik Sieurin07-Oct-2011 08:53
Wouw..soft and beautiful!
January Grey27-Sep-2011 05:05
Beautiful 'stand-out' color! Nicely done!
Peter Sussex26-Sep-2011 19:01
Sensitive wonder, Sandi, BV
Vickie BROWN26-Sep-2011 09:38
Great work! V
Gerard Koehl26-Sep-2011 04:55
C'est très joli. V
Sam Rua26-Sep-2011 04:20
Well seen and presented, Sandi. V.
Guest 26-Sep-2011 02:38
Beautiful color and DOF. Excellent work, Sandi. V
Peter Stahl26-Sep-2011 00:36
Excellent use of Dof. Excellent job! :-)
Barry S Moore25-Sep-2011 22:24
Brillinat point if view. ~V~
Susanne v. Schroeder25-Sep-2011 22:15
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography25-Sep-2011 21:54
Very nice work, Vote :)
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