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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Festival of Sail > Fire in the Hole!
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Sept 4, 2011 Sandi Whitteker

Fire in the Hole!

San Diego, Embarcadero - Festival of Sail

A tall ship returns fire to canon blasts from the docks and other passing
tall ships. It's a spirited battle several times each day, and everyone,
especially the kids, squeals with delight with each very loud volley.

Honorable Mention in 228th Show and Tell Contest, "Smoke"

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Range View 10-Nov-2013 22:31
Fantastic perspective to capture this great action shot. The light is superb! V
Graeme19-Oct-2013 12:48
Spectacular scene, Sandi!! BV
goelsamuel14-Oct-2013 17:53
Excellent timing! Superbly captured! V!
DAVE FINCH09-Oct-2013 07:20
so,so,very well captured
Coleen Perilloux Landry26-Sep-2011 19:51
Beautifully done. Vote
Guest 22-Sep-2011 17:49
Outstanding capture, Sandi.
Bill Robinson22-Sep-2011 14:07
Lovely composition Sandi.
norbi17-Sep-2011 21:14
A beautiful shot of the shot. v. norbi
Bill Miller16-Sep-2011 17:45
Lovely picture, and in one of my favourite cities!
H. P. Henriksen Starman14-Sep-2011 16:36
Very fine shot. v.
Ali Majdfar10-Sep-2011 17:50
Superb work! ~V
Apostolos Tikopoulos07-Sep-2011 19:09
Absolutely stunning picture. V.
Cindi Smith07-Sep-2011 02:20
Very, very cool! Great work....wondering how it would look in a monotone of some kind. :)
Ken Chambers ARPS06-Sep-2011 19:02
Superb action Sandi....I would love to be there.
Peter Sussex06-Sep-2011 18:59
I think it is a declaration of war Sandi, so get on your pirate clothes and Onwards!:) Excellent POV and compo, BV
Dan Greenberg06-Sep-2011 18:12
Spectacular catch Sandi and you definitely made the most of it with this composition. ~V~
Scott Browne06-Sep-2011 17:07
How fun! Great framing on this shot.
Peter Stahl06-Sep-2011 15:03
A cool capture Sandi! :-)
Marjan Schavemaker06-Sep-2011 12:06
Excellent compo, Sandi! V
marko gregoric06-Sep-2011 10:30
Superb shot. V
Guest 06-Sep-2011 10:26
A beautiful ship very well captured,Sandi.Excellent timing and composition! :>))
Stephanie06-Sep-2011 10:05
WOW!!! From the thumbnail, this looks like a great image ~ but it's even more wonderful after opening up the link! Museum quality work Sandi! V
Gerard Koehl06-Sep-2011 05:41
Fantastique... V
Giancarlo Guzzardi06-Sep-2011 05:34
what a beautiful these sails. Nice tone and composition.
Doug Sherman06-Sep-2011 05:18
Very intresting image Sandi.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad06-Sep-2011 05:08
Terrific! V
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