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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Along Scenic Highway 395 > It's Always a Surprise... Sunrise
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28-OCT-2008 Sandi Whitteker

It's Always a Surprise... Sunrise

Monolake, California

You never know, when you get up in the dark and head out to shoot dawn at Mono Lake, if the "Sierra Wave" clouds
will have rolled in while you slept, to give you the sky you've been waiting for. Twice before they didn't... but on this
morning, the rising sun revealed them in all their glory, creating a blazing fire in the sky backdrop to the tufas.

other sizes: small medium original auto
joseantonio13-Apr-2014 04:01
Magical colors captured by your camara.V.
Martin Lamoon03-Feb-2013 17:38
Superb photograph. v
John Barreiro11-Jan-2013 20:51
I saw this in the Show and Tell cloud competition and I had to click on it for a better view. I'm suregald I did. Excellent image! V.
Graeme10-Jan-2013 19:50
Magnificent work, Sandi. VVV!
Brandon Mardon20-Sep-2011 01:52
You can tell on a great sunset, during pre-set of the sun, the skies tend to glow with more ambient warm light, indication a good or a great one may appear. After the sun sets it takes about 15~20 mins for the deepest of colors to peak. Usually when that happens AM's are happening too. A royal sunset Sandi :-)
Jay Levin20-Nov-2010 00:28
Congratulations on this beautiful shot.
KAI-WING LEUNG29-Sep-2010 02:33
Fantastic image! V
Guest 27-Sep-2010 10:46
A breathtaking scene, Sandi... beautiful!
Carlo Buliani25-Sep-2010 22:33
A surprise also for me! Wonderful!!
Shayne19-Sep-2010 22:14

Bill Robinson19-Sep-2010 08:59
Sensational Sandi!
Yiannis Pavlis16-Sep-2010 15:42
An awesome picture Sandi.V
Guest 16-Sep-2010 09:48
terrific in every way Sandi.
Peter Stubley15-Sep-2010 20:36
Wow -- amazing colours and composition. Nicely done in every way.
edwina beaumont15-Sep-2010 08:39
absolutely amazing colour and cloud here
Guest 14-Sep-2010 23:05
Really stunning against the rock formations..V
Robbie D7014-Sep-2010 21:07
Amazing and magical scene, lov it.
Xavi Barneda14-Sep-2010 20:25
Wonderful sunset! Outstanding colours...V!!
mario .n14-Sep-2010 16:42
Really splendid sunrise !
Bryan Murahashi14-Sep-2010 15:15
Great capture of this stunning and beautiful scene. GMV.
Guest 14-Sep-2010 05:59
Fabulous view and sky. Congrats.
Guest 13-Sep-2010 23:14
Wow vote!!
Patricia Kay13-Sep-2010 20:29
Absolutely stunning those colors and the composition...BV
McGarva13-Sep-2010 18:25
Wow wow wow! One for colour ... one for the sky ... and one for the composition! ... big V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)13-Sep-2010 17:41
Glorious sky Sandi, well captured...
Gaétan Bolduc13-Sep-2010 17:12
Fantastic sunset capture,V
tony_england13-Sep-2010 15:54
Wow, some sky Sandi! bv
Marisa Livet13-Sep-2010 15:08
Splendid , glorious natural firework to introduce a new day! Emotional scene indeed!
globalgadabout13-Sep-2010 14:54
fantastic reward for your intrepid adventures in the dark...that's a scorching sunrise...V
Peter Stahl13-Sep-2010 14:34
Breathtaking colors. Awesome job Sandi!
CM Kwan13-Sep-2010 11:56
This is really outstanding, Sandi! V
Bartosz Kotulski13-Sep-2010 11:47
stunning!!!absolute perfect composition and mood
Guest 13-Sep-2010 10:54
Beautiful Sandi
Stephanie13-Sep-2010 08:53
This doesn't even look real ~ truly a magnificent piece of work Sandi! BV
Dominic Cantin13-Sep-2010 07:31
WOW ! The sky is on fire ! The early birds get the worms ;) Congrats for this capture Sandi 8)

Dom :)
Giancarlo Guzzardi13-Sep-2010 06:46
a continuous show, great sky
marko gregoric13-Sep-2010 04:49
Wow. This is fantastic. Superb colors. V.
Gerard Koehl13-Sep-2010 04:43
Une pure merveille. V
lou_rozensteins13-Sep-2010 04:33
Certainly beautiful! Very well worth getting up for.
Alina13-Sep-2010 03:33
Beautiful color, v
Dan Greenberg13-Sep-2010 02:02
One of the best, most dramatic sky captures EVER! ~V~
fredrcox13-Sep-2010 01:17
Beautiful capture!
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad13-Sep-2010 01:10
Amazing colour! V
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet13-Sep-2010 00:38
Wow a outstanding picture.
Sam Rua13-Sep-2010 00:18
Gorgeous sunset scene, Sandi.
Robert Ballard13-Sep-2010 00:12
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