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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter Along Scenic Highway 395-Tahoe or Bust > Lake Tahoe View with a little more
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Sandi Whitteker

Lake Tahoe View with a little more

Lake Tahoe, California

As you may know, I'm fooling around with HDR, and enjoying the additional info
I can play with for color and details. Here's the same pic as earlier - HDR style.

other sizes: small medium original auto
January Grey01-Sep-2010 05:34
Nice HDR! Well done!!
Doug Jones29-Aug-2010 23:42
Sandi, well worth the extra effort for HRD! Outstanding!
Graeme29-Aug-2010 22:28
Fabulous shot Sandi.BV!!
Toney Smith29-Aug-2010 12:54
Like the others good job and your honing your skills well.
Guest 28-Aug-2010 14:59
very beautiful! V
Marco Valk28-Aug-2010 12:06
Beautiful result; good work.
Brad Claypole27-Aug-2010 22:03
Great shot! V
Guest 27-Aug-2010 16:38
I love it' Sandi !!!
Carol Rollins27-Aug-2010 14:19
Sandi, this is an incredible capture. Absolutely gorgeous. ~
Gayle P. Clement27-Aug-2010 01:36
Very nice Sandi.
Peter Stahl26-Aug-2010 21:58
You gotta love hdr. Awesome results Sandy! :-)
Guest 26-Aug-2010 20:00
Beautiful work, Sandi. Very well done. V
Peter Sussex26-Aug-2010 19:32
Enjoyable place and excellent work. The subtle colors make it so tranquil. BV
Ken Chambers ARPS26-Aug-2010 17:16
Sandi,This is nice processing work with the HDR, ... You have a good gentle balance of colour... v
Guest 26-Aug-2010 02:55
Great shot!
lou_rozensteins25-Aug-2010 22:53
Very nice!
Cindi Smith25-Aug-2010 22:29
Wow, this is awesome!!!!!
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)25-Aug-2010 21:35
Stunning PoV for textures and tones. BV!
McGarva25-Aug-2010 20:48
Wonderful long exposure and superb lighting! ... love it ... V
Guest 25-Aug-2010 19:48
Love Lake Tahoe..the HDR brings out even more beauty!!
Robert Houde25-Aug-2010 15:57
Magnifique paysage, great work Sandi, v.
globalgadabout25-Aug-2010 15:36
gorgeous image..great work Sandi...V
Guest 25-Aug-2010 13:13
Splendid work.
Michelle25-Aug-2010 13:06
D'une grande beauté. V
Bartosz Kotulski25-Aug-2010 12:44
wow. what a composition, what a post processing!!!absolute amazing capture. love the mood, colors, tones everything.Big V
Sam Rua25-Aug-2010 12:39
Beautiful scene, Sandi. Very nice comp.
Wenche Aune25-Aug-2010 10:55
Beautiful scene. V
Guest 25-Aug-2010 10:45
Great work with the HDR, Sandi... its good to see that you're not over processing them!
CM Kwan25-Aug-2010 10:28
Wonderful HDR with natural look, Sandi! V
Gerard Koehl25-Aug-2010 10:01
Magnifique ambiance... V
Stephanie25-Aug-2010 09:54
Beautiful work Sandi! V
Patricia Kay25-Aug-2010 08:37
Stunning the colors and compo...BV
Guest 25-Aug-2010 07:54
wonderful Sandi,love it very much.
Giancarlo Guzzardi25-Aug-2010 06:47
ethereal atmosphere
Guest 25-Aug-2010 06:33
Beautiful! V
Brian McAllister25-Aug-2010 04:15
Nice HDR! V
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