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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter Along Scenic Highway 395-Tahoe or Bust > Teethy Hillside
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Sandi Whitteker

Teethy Hillside

Highway 395, California

B&W seemed a good choice for this hillside, sprouting an interesting series of
rocks. Ok, geologists, how about some explanations about how this formation
evolved in such an interesting row of teethy looking rocks. I do seetwo layers
of rocks, the teethy white ones, and a layer below that of dark rocks.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Alejandro03-Apr-2010 19:12
very beautiful capture. voted
Peter Sussex03-Apr-2010 18:08
I am not a geologist, came here just to enjoy what geologists can not explain. You should ask Nature:)
Ali Majdfar03-Apr-2010 09:37
Fabulous scene! ~V
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)03-Apr-2010 01:30
B&W really shows it teeth in this composition.
Marcia Rules03-Apr-2010 00:04
that's bizarre..B&W is a great choice...V!
Randy Adams02-Apr-2010 12:11
Very nice b&w compositon Sandi! (sorry, no geologists here...just photographers!) V
Guest 02-Apr-2010 10:53
indeed very interesting shot, looks like I see 2 bears.
Knox O02-Apr-2010 10:03
and interesting shot and place.
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