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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter Along Scenic Highway 395-Tahoe or Bust > Freezing Fog Lifts
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Sandi Whitteker

Freezing Fog Lifts

Eastern Sierras, California

This freezing fog that's created by an inversion layer, is so beautiful when it lays down in the valley. As the
sun sends it's warming rays, the fog begins to lift, and the California sun shines through. Nice to be warm again.

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globalgadabout06-Feb-2010 18:44
super comp, and the fog makes this scene tingle...V
Guest 28-Jan-2010 11:27
wonderful mood Sandi.
Marcia Rules27-Jan-2010 23:37
terrific, special moment!!!! V
Peter Sussex27-Jan-2010 20:36
Uuuhhh ... so many layers on this, looks awesome!
Jay Levin27-Jan-2010 17:55
Outstanding five layered landscape, Sandi, with beautiful light.
Guest 27-Jan-2010 17:12
A very nice scene...
Patricia Kay27-Jan-2010 16:51
Such a beautiful atmospheric image Sandi...BV
Randy Adams27-Jan-2010 12:12
Beautiful capture Sandi! (thanks for the explanation also!) V
Barry S Moore27-Jan-2010 08:00
Gorgeous composition and matching comments. ~V~
Ali Majdfar27-Jan-2010 05:51
Superb capture! ~V
Gerard Koehl27-Jan-2010 05:48
Magnifique scène avec une belle ambiance. V
Guest 27-Jan-2010 05:39
Excellent scene, Sandi. The layered colors are outstanding. BV
lou_rozensteins27-Jan-2010 04:33
It makes beautiful pictures. Well done.
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