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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter Along Scenic Highway 395-Tahoe or Bust > Hoar Fog Lifting
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28-DEC-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Hoar Fog Lifting

Highway 395, California

This freezing fog is so pretty as it rises, then very quickly it's disappears.

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Terry Bowker22-Aug-2011 23:09
Wow! What and interesting shot Sandi! _V_!
Yiannis Pavlis09-Apr-2010 04:21
Marvelous shot!V
Jeff Real05-May-2009 00:25
This would make an excellent wrap around cover for a Tony Hillerman mystery novel. Fantastic image ~V~
Geneviève Cotineau15-Apr-2009 03:24
bill friedlander13-Apr-2009 00:57
Wonderful landscape shape, and the fog adds drama to the mountain behind. V
geonni banner06-Mar-2009 17:55
Looks like Middle Earth... V
Alain Boussac06-Mar-2009 10:09
Great : we can see and feel the penetrating cold of the freezing fog, here ! BV.
Pawel04-Mar-2009 17:39
Wow! Fascinating :)
CM Kwan26-Feb-2009 11:55
It's really amazing, Sandi! V
Guest 26-Feb-2009 10:02
You can almost see that fog lifting,Sandi!:>)
Susanne v. Schroeder25-Feb-2009 23:44
Beautiful mood!
Milos Markovic24-Feb-2009 18:58
Wonderful scenery
Greg Harp24-Feb-2009 16:10
H2M24-Feb-2009 07:07
Wonderful light and colors. Love the mood i this image. V!!
Lise Trempe24-Feb-2009 00:15
Excellent timing, you captured the fog nicely with some colors in the sky also. Very beautiful scene.
doron nissim23-Feb-2009 20:28
Fantastic !
Bryan Murahashi23-Feb-2009 05:24
Fabulous scene and photograph. GMV.
Chad Ramsey23-Feb-2009 02:16
Wow! How beautiful!! Gorgeous shot Sandi~V
waterfalls man23-Feb-2009 01:59
Excellent Capture, V!
Marcia Colelli23-Feb-2009 01:50
very nice capture of the fog, lovely landscape
Wenche Aune22-Feb-2009 22:08
Beautiful scene. V
gary becker22-Feb-2009 20:56
Simply Awesome ! ! !
Claude Martin22-Feb-2009 19:20
Wow....that's fantastic!V
Guest 22-Feb-2009 17:46
Love the reds in the foreground, beautiful capture of the misty fog Sandy! A lovely landscape image
Cindi Smith22-Feb-2009 17:31
Gorgeous! You are the woman of scenic shots!
Guest 22-Feb-2009 17:21
An amazing surrealistic image..
Very nicely done Sandi..v
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)22-Feb-2009 17:13
Perfect timing making for this fantastic shot V!
Bartosz Kotulski22-Feb-2009 16:26
beautiful and very moody composition. great shot
globalgadabout22-Feb-2009 15:27
magic moment...well seen and portrayed...V
Jim Coffman22-Feb-2009 15:05
Very nice work,Sandi! V
Guest 22-Feb-2009 15:03
Great comp and love the atmosphere created by the fog... Great work, Sandi!
Stewart Mitchell22-Feb-2009 14:31
Classic example of a simple scene transformed by the mist and quality of light. Superb capture Sandi. V
Carol Rollins22-Feb-2009 14:25
Wow, Sandi, I can't believe you caught this! This is stunning work and a beautiful image.
Esa Ervasti22-Feb-2009 13:35
Spectacular fog!
marie-jose wolff22-Feb-2009 12:51
beautiful and moody landscape! V
monil22-Feb-2009 11:59
Spectacular this fog and give an excellent composition. v
Marco Valk22-Feb-2009 10:16
beautiful landscape image; very moody. gmv
Giancarlo Guzzardi22-Feb-2009 10:11
really spectacular this higway! :o)
beautiful view of this subtile veil of fog
an enchanted landscape
Apostolos Tikopoulos22-Feb-2009 09:39
A really wonderful and moody natural composition. Love it. V.
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