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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites 20 > Fall on the Merced
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25-OCT-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Fall on the Merced

Yosemite, California

Meandering in a serene mood and alive with color, the Merced displays here Fall mood.

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Ron Asp21-Aug-2010 20:51
Stunning Sandi, thanks for sharing...GMV
dond26-Dec-2009 02:05
I like this peaceful shot.
waterfalls man19-Nov-2008 03:12
Excellent Shot V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)18-Nov-2008 17:21
Lovely capture Sandi, love the reflection....
Sam Rua18-Nov-2008 03:07
Gorgeous capture, Sandi. I like how you've included the leaves at the bottom to bring the viewer back towards the center of the image. Well done. V.
Guest 17-Nov-2008 21:09
Pure Mana -- you sure found a yummy little spot, didn't you! I can't decide if I like this one, or the other of this same place, better.
john savage17-Nov-2008 18:57
Awesome beauty Big Vote
Earl Arboneaux 17-Nov-2008 18:52
Wonderful fall colors,great lighting and reflections..
Nestor Derkach17-Nov-2008 18:12
This is very beautiful, all the ingredients to make a wonderful autumn scene.
The reflection is great and the resolution is special.
Patricia Kay17-Nov-2008 12:27
Fabulous Autumn shot...I love the reflections! V
Randy Adams17-Nov-2008 08:39
Beautiful Sandi...very nicely composed!
Debbie Blackburn Beierle17-Nov-2008 07:51
Wow! This is beautiful and such a wonderful mood!
Tom Torbert17-Nov-2008 03:25
Reflections and colors make this one very special.. V
Carol Rollins16-Nov-2008 22:19
Fabulous Sandi. Love your composition and capture of the soft lighting. Beautiful. V++
Guest 16-Nov-2008 21:24
Your timing was perfect to bring back these stunning them, Sandi!
Guest 16-Nov-2008 19:11
wonderful fall colours, reflections Sandi.
Tom Briggs16-Nov-2008 19:09
Beautifully photographed, Sandi ... soft yet stunning ... voted
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad16-Nov-2008 18:36
Lovely colour and reflection.
Peter Stahl16-Nov-2008 16:51
Love the colors and reflection. GMV.
bill friedlander16-Nov-2008 16:46
Incredible. One to hang on the wall. V
mario .n16-Nov-2008 14:00
Splendid colors !
Doug Cruden16-Nov-2008 12:22
Beautiful and lovely...the splashes of yellow in the trees and their reflections brighten up the scene and bring some wonderful autumn colour to the photo. Marvellous! V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther16-Nov-2008 10:34
Wonderful reflection and colors! V
marie-jose wolff16-Nov-2008 08:41
beautiful scenery and reflections! V
John Reynolds LRPS16-Nov-2008 08:39
Beautiful scene. V.
Gerard Koehl16-Nov-2008 08:31
Superbe... V
globalgadabout16-Nov-2008 07:59
absolutely gorgeous...V
Gaétan Bolduc16-Nov-2008 04:11
Beautifull colors, et good reflection
Jim Coffman16-Nov-2008 03:46
Simply beautiful! V
waterfalls man16-Nov-2008 03:42
Beautiful Shot & Reflection V
pr_rajan16-Nov-2008 02:12
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet16-Nov-2008 02:07
Great and peaceful mood.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)16-Nov-2008 02:05
Beautiful reflecting pool, a real peaceful setting. V!
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