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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites 20 > Golden Moment at Elk Cove
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24-SEP-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Golden Moment at Elk Cove

Elk, Calfornia

Had this beautiful beach all to myself at the magic hour. I'd been frantically searching for a scenic spot
to make use of what was shaping up to be a pretty nice sunset. Bet you've done that too, eh?

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Guest 29-Oct-2009 03:21
So you got a sunset this time! Another gem. You really are a master at this, totally impressive work. This could be a cliche, but in your hands it's a work of art.
Alain Boussac18-Jan-2009 21:05
A pure photographic jewel, a fantastically beautiful picture, Sandi ! VBV.
Bogdan Szadowski21-Oct-2008 20:09
Breathtaking photo. V
Guest 08-Oct-2008 02:50
Picture perfect, Sandi. No pun intended. Beautiful. V
Alina08-Oct-2008 02:17
Very, very, very nice! v
HELENA AFONSO05-Oct-2008 16:05
YES SANDI, I do search for "SPECIAL MOMENTS" you can see some of them in my gallery "MY MAGIC MOMENTS" I do feel very happy to share them with everybody who comes to my gallery,LIKE YOU DID
best wishes HELENA
Susanne v. Schroeder05-Oct-2008 01:24
Can't get much better than this!! Fantastic mood and capture.
Guest 04-Oct-2008 10:11
Fantastic picture
Doug Cruden02-Oct-2008 21:26
One of your best Sandi, a real corker of a sunset. V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)02-Oct-2008 18:51
Glorious colour and composition, well captured...
Nick Powell02-Oct-2008 18:10
A stunning capture, well done. V
globalgadabout02-Oct-2008 15:42
from frantic searching you certainly recovered to collect your wits again and make this dazzling image...fabulous work...V
Naret Visesvongsa02-Oct-2008 15:37
Yes, it is the gloden moment. V
Carol Rollins02-Oct-2008 12:43
You found a wonderful, magical place Sandi. And, you captured it with an artists eye.
This is superb. V
Michelle02-Oct-2008 09:20
Superbes couleurs. V
Bill Robinson02-Oct-2008 09:03
Sometimes the search has been in vain Sandi, unlike this particular evening !
Gerard Koehl02-Oct-2008 08:29
La composition et l'exposition sont parfaites et donnent une très belle image. V
Giancarlo Guzzardi02-Oct-2008 08:26
it's special
superb mix of colors and texture in the sky
ancient cliffs and forms like the Pyramids
really magical moment
Simon Chandler02-Oct-2008 02:49
Excellent composition and dof. A very beautiful image with wonderful atmosphere. v
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad02-Oct-2008 01:33
Well done. Mission accomplished. v
Guest 02-Oct-2008 00:18
This is really well done, Sandi. Your really had great conditions and you captured them well. I think this my new fav of yours!
Guest 01-Oct-2008 23:17
fantastic sunset-v-
Guest 01-Oct-2008 21:49
Excellent Shot V
Stewart Mitchell01-Oct-2008 20:47
...yes I have, but rarely with such a stunning result!! Classic composition
Guest 01-Oct-2008 20:46
A successful search turned into one amazing sunset..perfect!
mario .n01-Oct-2008 20:45
Absolutely great! lovely sunset
John Reynolds LRPS01-Oct-2008 20:44
Stunning image. V.
Hank Vander Velde01-Oct-2008 19:54
Breathtaking image Sandi. Well done. V.
Walter Otto Koenig01-Oct-2008 19:13
Nice sunset for sure with beautiful colors and reflections.
Guest 01-Oct-2008 18:44
indeed a golden moment, breathtaking.
Silvia Roitman01-Oct-2008 18:20
very nice!
fdt01-Oct-2008 17:21
Great capture. f
pr_rajan01-Oct-2008 17:15
...yes it is!...a master piece!
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