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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites 20 > Fantastic Bristlecone Pines
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03-JUN-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Fantastic Bristlecone Pines

Big Pine, California

Here is the first in a little tour of some of our oldest earth's inhabitants, the
bristlecone pine. Some live to a ripe old age of more than 4700 years! Even after
they no longer produce greenery, they continue to have a stark and abstract beauty.

Honorable Mention, 116th Show and Tell Contest, "Old"

other sizes: small medium original auto
Mike McCarthy31-Jan-2012 22:26
Nice image Sandi. That is an amazing tree. I'd love that for a bird purch . I've got a chain saw and access to a large truck. Where can I find it ? just kidding. Too cool to cut down. It would make an amazing purch for some of the birds I photograph.
Peter Stubley26-Oct-2009 18:43
Very nice. Excellent composition, great contrast, and fabulous blue.
meekam tam25-Oct-2009 22:26
Beautiful old tree against a blue sky, great details, Sandi! V
Terry Bowker01-Apr-2009 19:19
Honorable mention:
Sandi Whitteker Fantastic Bristlecone Pines” Leave it to Sandi to find one of the oldest living things on the planet and then take a wonderful image of it. Great composition and color, fascinating subject!
Terry Bowker30-Nov-2008 04:58
Amazing shot! _V_!
Marc Demoulin31-Aug-2008 09:22
Incredible! V
Guest 29-Aug-2008 23:29
Hey I know that tree....
Fabienne11-Aug-2008 21:19
cet arbre tourmenté est très graphique et l'angle de prise de vue met bien en valeur la texture du bois. c'est superbe.
MarcWildPassion08-Aug-2008 16:37
I've read an article in a photograpy magazine about these famous trees and your picture is at the level of the famous photography of the magazine. V
Guest 03-Aug-2008 14:31
Outstanding Shot V
edwina beaumont03-Aug-2008 14:03
these are such amazing trees. i like your shot contrasting it with the deep blue sky
Milan Vogrin02-Aug-2008 06:15
Whata tree! Great angle.
Paula Krugerud31-Jul-2008 15:30
I absolutely love these old guys...they simply amaze me. Being up on the still of the mountain with only the breeze whispering their secrets through the branches and boughs of these wonderful trees truly inspires me. You captured this one superbly.
January Grey31-Jul-2008 04:44
Fantastic composition, Sandi. Gorgeous colors and light!
Bill Robinson31-Jul-2008 01:18
A twist at every turn. Lots of character in the old tree Sandi.
Guest 30-Jul-2008 19:19
Against that blue sky it's just a work of art..wowers!
Earl Arboneaux 30-Jul-2008 14:17
Outstanding composition and great texture. This old tree seems to reach towards the heavens as life continues.V
Carol Rollins30-Jul-2008 12:50
Majestic old trees are some of my favorite "people."
This one is very impressive and beautiful. Great capture Sandi. V
Marcia Colelli30-Jul-2008 11:35
Nice perspective and colors. Nice capture of the texture
Gerard Koehl30-Jul-2008 05:01
Fantastique... V
b-w studio30-Jul-2008 03:25
Powerful shot.
Jim Coffman30-Jul-2008 03:23
Sandi, this is a awesome image. I have seen these myself and I am in awe of these old trees. Many people don't realize how many years one of these have been standing. They are truly a awesome sight to behold. Big vote
Guest 30-Jul-2008 02:58
Very cool image. v
globalgadabout30-Jul-2008 02:55
electrifying...a gnarly classic...V
Denis Vincelette30-Jul-2008 02:54
Excellent capture ! Bravo !
Gaétan Bolduc30-Jul-2008 02:53
Impressive image of this old tree, and the nice blue sky, V
Elaine (etfitz)30-Jul-2008 01:30
Wonderful tree!
Doug Cruden29-Jul-2008 22:56
Now THAT'S a blue sky :o) Beautifully captured tones and textures on this old fella, Sandi...a really striking composition. Vote.
john savage29-Jul-2008 21:27
Awesome old tree Sandi, great capture. V
Robert Charity29-Jul-2008 21:14
amazing tree, well captured, v
mario .n29-Jul-2008 20:55
Great image sandy ! beautiful sky
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