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Dark Sites and Filters

We all know that filters, especially narrowband, make a huge difference when used at light polluted sites. This gallery illustrates their utility at sites with varying levels of light pollution. Depending on the level of light pollution, an LPS that tries to preserve colour balance can be very ineffective, but a duo-band (two fairly narrow passbands) can make an obvious difference. The higher the light pollution, the narrower the passband(s) we should employ. But do not discount using filters at even very dark sites, like in the first slide below.
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Suppression of Milky Way at Dark Site
Suppression of Milky Way at Dark Site
IC1396 LPS+Ha Slight Pollution
IC1396 LPS+Ha Slight Pollution
N American from Suburb of Montreal
N American from Suburb of Montreal
Severe Light Pollution and Ha Flaming Star
Severe Light Pollution and Ha Flaming Star