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Midwest Rural Scenes

The places being traveled through are often more interesting than the places being traveled to.

After the Civil War, John Wesley Powell correctly determined that longitude 100 degrees W was the dividing line between the eastern US with generally good farmland, and the western US where more arid conditions are the norm. Due to climate change, this dividing line is steadily moving eastward. Water-thirsty fields of corn will gradually be replaced with wheat and other drought tolerant crops in the upper Midwest.
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Elevator and Signal at Manlius
Elevator and Signal at Manlius
Roadside Honey Locust Tree
Roadside Honey Locust Tree
Baker Illinois
Baker Illinois
Elevator at Newark
Elevator at Newark
Grain Bins in Newark
Grain Bins in Newark
Clouds over Blackstone
Clouds over Blackstone
Track at Budd
Track at Budd
Trackside at Mazon
Trackside at Mazon
Early Morning at Chana
Early Morning at Chana
Early Afternoon at Hazelehurst
Early Afternoon at Hazelehurst
Abandoned Gas Station
Abandoned Gas Station
Little Green Farmhouse
Little Green Farmhouse
Little House on Pleasant Hill Road
Little House on Pleasant Hill Road
Hesston 6450 Swather
Hesston 6450 Swather
Old Crib in the Beanfield
Old Crib in the Beanfield
Hydraulic and Mill 2017
Hydraulic and Mill 2017
Rural Entropy
Rural Entropy
Cattle at Indian Creek
Cattle at Indian Creek
Beans along Carthage Road
Beans along Carthage Road
Empty Farmhouse on Mulford Road
Empty Farmhouse on Mulford Road
Hetzler Cemetery Prairie Nature Preserve
Hetzler Cemetery Prairie Nature Preserve
Metal Crib in the Beans
Metal Crib in the Beans
Empty Farmhouse on Crego Road
Empty Farmhouse on Crego Road
Mowed Hay
Mowed Hay
Meriden Grain
Meriden Grain
Row Crops along Hay Road
Row Crops along Hay Road
Farmall Tractor with Baler
Farmall Tractor with Baler
Farmall 560 and John Deere 346
Farmall 560 and John Deere 346
Crib in the Corn
Crib in the Corn
Full Steam
Full Steam
Hedge and Field
Hedge and Field
Valentine Road
Valentine Road
Field Road with Snow
Field Road with Snow
Pumphouse Remnant
Pumphouse Remnant
Old Oak along Tingle Road
Old Oak along Tingle Road
Field Bridge and Snow
Field Bridge and Snow
Elevator South of Lisbon
Elevator South of Lisbon
Yorkville Elevator, February
Yorkville Elevator, February
North of Hanover
North of Hanover
Hay Road and Moon
Hay Road and Moon
Trees and Posts
Trees and Posts
Elevator at Baileyville
Elevator at Baileyville
Church on Lee Road
Church on Lee Road
Wagon of Hay on a Hazy Day
Wagon of Hay on a Hazy Day
Valley Farm
Valley Farm
Parker Road in June
Parker Road in June
Between Fields
Between Fields
Garfield House
Garfield House
Little Blue House
Little Blue House
Roadside Shadows
Roadside Shadows
Silo and Barn
Silo and Barn
Morning Mist at Aldrich Road
Morning Mist at Aldrich Road
Creston Grain and Supply
Creston Grain and Supply
Elevator at Welland
Elevator at Welland
Knox Road
Knox Road
Case 8850 Swather
Case 8850 Swather
Summer Sunrise
Summer Sunrise
Early Morning at Maplewood Road
Early Morning at Maplewood Road
Corn along Cartharge Road
Corn along Cartharge Road
Ice Field
Ice Field
Snow Field
Snow Field
Old Crib in the Woods
Old Crib in the Woods
Between Fields at Sunrise
Between Fields at Sunrise
North of the Fence
North of the Fence
Barn in the Grassland
Barn in the Grassland
Cuckoo Creek Crossing
Cuckoo Creek Crossing
Frost in the Ditch
Frost in the Ditch
Silver Creek Valley, January
Silver Creek Valley, January
Floodplain Willow
Floodplain Willow
Blue House on Crego Road
Blue House on Crego Road
Broken Limbs in February
Broken Limbs in February
Snow at the Fence
Snow at the Fence
Field with Ice and Snow
Field with Ice and Snow
Woodlawn Road Puddles
Woodlawn Road Puddles
Mullins Grain Co
Mullins Grain Co
Hay in the Crib
Hay in the Crib
Cornfield Corridor
Cornfield Corridor
Horizon Farm
Horizon Farm
Early Dawn at Maplewood Road
Early Dawn at Maplewood Road
Daybreak at Maplewood Road
Daybreak at Maplewood Road
Empty Cornfield
Empty Cornfield
Hedgerow Tree
Hedgerow Tree
Top of the Hill
Top of the Hill
Bend in the Creek
Bend in the Creek
Dawn at Kesslinger Road
Dawn at Kesslinger Road
Field Bridge over Little Rock Creek
Field Bridge over Little Rock Creek
Hedgerow Fence
Hedgerow Fence
Snake Road Corner
Snake Road Corner
Crego Road Farmhouse
Crego Road Farmhouse
End of the Road II
End of the Road II
Snow along Woodlawn Road
Snow along Woodlawn Road
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