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TheRustyGrapple | profile | all galleries >> Skagit Yarders Picture Gallery >> Yarder Gallery: M.A.C. Tugger tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Yarder Gallery: M.A.C. Tugger

These are pictures I took in July of 2011 near Hoonah, Alaska. This is a Skagit 'M.A.C. Little Tugger' built in the early 1920's and was powered off an old tractor.
This was Number 106 out of roughly 300 built, and as usual I take so many pictures I struggle with which ones and how many to post. This machine is a great find indeed!
M.A.C. Logo Plate
M.A.C. Logo Plate
Overall View, RHS
Overall View, RHS
Operator's  Levers
Operator's Levers
Model 'SYD'/ No.106
Model 'SYD'/ No.106
Hall-Scott Engine
Hall-Scott Engine
Hall-Scott Tag
Hall-Scott Tag
Tugger Winch View
Tugger Winch View
Right Front Corner
Right Front Corner
MAC Maingear
MAC Maingear
The Colors of Rest
The Colors of Rest
Loose Drive Chain
Loose Drive Chain