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Furry friends

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Beast lurking in the shadow Leo and Mona kissing at sunset Leo rock-climbing at Corral Canyon
Mona the hoarder New scent Mona enjoying a quiet moment
Wet puppy Leo posing on Christmas Day Morning peace
Leo enjoying the view at Santa Monica Beach A happy French bulldog puppy Leo hiking the Gridley Trail near Ojai, CA
Chai resting Kona Hot wings
Dog house Chloe Leo on a misty cool evening at Huntington Dog Beach
Wet dog Leo being smartly submissive Mona and Leo at Pismo Beach
Leo surveying the territory at Leo Carillo State Beach Leo enjoying the grass at Kenneth Hahn recreation park Mona showing she is done with hiking
Leo on the precipice to sleep Hiking at the Mount Pisgah Arboretum Mona hunting flies in a cave at Corral Canyon
Leo checking the scenery at Corral Canyon Mona and Leo feeling cold at Corral Canyon The fearless Leo climbing rocks at Idyllwild, CA
Mona in love with the beach at Asilomar State Beach Morro Bay lesser rock... Leo napping