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delaware river flooding

This gallery has shots from the flood on April 4, 2005, as well as images
from the flood of September 2004, and some "low" shots for comparison.

Region is Delaware River immediately upstream from Trenton.
Most images are labelled with date, or just check EXIF.

TIP : no leaves on trees (April 2005) or plenty of greenery (September 2004).

The last major flood here (before '04 flood) happened in 1955;
then, the river crested at 28 feet, with flow of 329,000 cubic feet per second;
There is an amazing photo of the Washington Crossing bridge, with water going over the bridge deck.

Crest at trenton: 23.5 feet (2004); 25.5 feet (2005). Normal level (median) is about 7 to 8 feet.
the night before the crest of flood of 2005
the night before the crest of flood of 2005
setting up operations
setting up operations
blur of activity the night before
blur of activity the night before
Speed is Limited
Speed is Limited
it's a big flood, it is
it's a big flood, it is
Trenton Rt. 29 (Island, Glen Afton) - Delaware River Flood
gallery: Trenton Rt. 29 (Island, Glen Afton) - Delaware River Flood
Washington Crossing Bridge - Delaware River Flood
gallery: Washington Crossing Bridge - Delaware River Flood
Washington Crossing Park - Delaware River Flood
gallery: Washington Crossing Park - Delaware River Flood
Scudder Falls Park, Delaware River flood
gallery: Scudder Falls Park, Delaware River flood
Views from D&R Canal Towpath - Delaware River Flood
gallery: Views from D&R Canal Towpath - Delaware River Flood
Wilburtha (Trenton) River Station (near crest) flood '05
Wilburtha (Trenton) River Station (near crest) flood '05
Wilburtha (Trenton) River Station normal (2 weeks later)
Wilburtha (Trenton) River Station "normal" (2 weeks later)
Rt 29
Rt 29
National Guard
National Guard
National Guard
National Guard
Takin' that big glass out for a walk...
Takin' that big glass out for a walk...
media circus '04
media circus '04
media circus '05
media circus '05
Delaware River Flood '05: Eyes in the Sky (from the ground)
gallery: Delaware River Flood '05: Eyes in the Sky (from the ground)
River Gauges - Delaware River Flood '04 and '05
gallery: River Gauges - Delaware River Flood '04 and '05
flood damaged music store
flood damaged music store
canal boat far from home
canal boat far from home