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Roy | profile | all galleries >> Roy's Galleries >> 26- Storm in Ojai, Jan. 10, 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

26- Storm in Ojai, Jan. 10, 2005

The big storm was worse than the El Nino in 95 and this storm filled Lake Casitas. Just 2 months earlier in November 2004 I took photos from a plane and took one that showed the old road at the bottom of the Lake.
Click on a gallery below to view photos taken by me and by Tom.
There are also photos of Casitas Springs and Foster Park taken by Curt Ammerman at
Here is a 10 mb video of the 2005 La Conchita mudslide-
Photos taken by Ojai Roy
Photos taken by Ojai Roy
Photos Taken by Tom in Upper Ojai
Photos Taken by Tom in Upper Ojai
Photos sent in by Don Law
Photos sent in by Don Law