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Roy | profile | all galleries >> Roy's Galleries >> 24- Plane Ride Over Ventura County tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

24- Plane Ride Over Ventura County

Darcy took me on a plane ride, taking off from Camarillo Airport, thanks Darcy.
Getting ready for the flight
Getting ready for the flight
taking off
taking off
Over Oxnard
Over Oxnard
Rio Mesa High School
Rio Mesa High School
Lake Casitas
Lake Casitas
Old Road in the lake
Old Road in the lake
Flyover at an angle!
Flyover at an angle!
Darcy at the controls
Darcy at the controls
Meiners Oaks
Meiners Oaks
Meiners Oaks
Meiners Oaks
Upper Ojai
Upper Ojai
Dennison Grade
Dennison Grade
Goodenough Rd in Fillmore
Goodenough Rd in Fillmore
View from 4000 ft.
View from 4000 ft.
Camarillo- new housing tract
Camarillo- new housing tract
into the sunset
into the sunset
Darcy talking to the tower
Darcy talking to the tower
Sun shot
Sun shot
ssmmootthh landing
ssmmootthh landing
back to the hanger
back to the hanger