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Rosie Esparza Gaylord | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> mike_hendees_retirement tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Our dear friend Mike Hendee retired from a wonderful career in the Navy. Congrats Captain Hendee, Fair Winds and Following Seas...Now let's go Boating! We love you
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Captain Mike
Captain Mike
The Gang - Jen, Pete, Jeff, Ginger, Paul
The Gang - Jen, Pete, Jeff, Ginger, Paul
The Gang
The Gang
The Gang
The Gang
Dano and Rachel
Dano and Rachel
The Guard
The Guard
Admiral Nathan on the video
Admiral Nathan on the video
Surprise visit from the SG
Surprise visit from the SG
Presentation of Service
Presentation of Service
A gift for Ginger
A gift for Ginger
A gift for Ginger
A gift for Ginger
Olde Glory
Olde Glory
Salute the Flag
Salute the Flag
A person for every Rank
A person for every Rank
Salute to Ginger
Salute to Ginger
Offically Retired
Offically Retired
Dear Friends
Dear Friends
1988 to 2012 Great cake
1988 to 2012 Great cake
Rosie, Mike and Katrina
Rosie, Mike and Katrina
Honor Table- Reception
Honor Table- Reception
A Pub Gathering (the Star and the Shamrock)
A Pub Gathering (the Star and the Shamrock)
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
A Pub Gathering
At the Hendee home (Mike gives orders)
At the Hendee home (Mike gives orders)
The Boys....
The Boys....
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