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South East of Iran

Balochistan is the southern part of Sistan o Baluchestan province, Iran. It comprises a part of the historical Balochistan region; to its east is Pakistani Balochistan. The Gulf of Oman forms its southern border.

Balochistan was historically known as Makran. The narrow coastal plain rises very rapidly into several mountain ranges. The area possesses a very dry climate with very low rainfall. Makran is very sparsely inhabited, with much of the population being concentrated in a string of small ports including Chabahar, Gwater, Beris, Pasa Bandar and many smaller fishing villages.

The specific climate and geological situation makes amazing nature in this region, active mud volcanos, miniature mountain ranges, colorful seacoasts and .....

Hope you enjoy my experiences in the Southeast Corner of Iran.

Thank you.

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