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Bam Citadel, and very sad December 26, 2003 earthquake

The Bam citadel (Arg-ى Bam, "ار بك" in Persian) was the largest adobe building in the world (buildings are made of non-baked clay bricks), located in Bam, a city in the Kerman province of southeastern Iran. It is listed by UNESCO as part of the World Heritage Site "Bam and its Cultural Landscape". This enormous citadel, situated on the famous Silk Road, was built some time before 500 BC and remained in use until 1850 AD.

On December 26, 2003, the Citadel was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake, along with much of the rest of Bam and its environs.

The area of Bam Citadel is approximately 180,000 square meters, and it is surrounded by gigantic walls 6-7 meters high and 1815 meters long.

In this gallery you can see the pictures taken before 2003 earthquake in page 1, and some shots of current situation in page 2.

(Text reference: wikipedia)
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Bam citadel
Bam citadel
Bam Citadel after earthquake (see page 2 for more)
Bam Citadel after earthquake (see page 2 for more)
Arches and walls
Arches and walls
Arches and walls
Arches and walls
City wall
City wall
Mud bricks for restoration
Mud bricks for restoration
Bigger house
Bigger house
City wall
City wall
The royal stables roof
The royal stables roof
The royal stables
The royal stables
Citadel from the base
Citadel from the base
Citadel wall
Citadel wall
Citadel wall
Citadel wall
Path up to the Citadel
Path up to the Citadel
Reconstructed arch
Reconstructed arch
Old gate
Old gate
A part of city
A part of city
Panorama view
Panorama view
Bam citadel Panorama
Bam citadel Panorama
From city wall with fisheye
From city wall with fisheye
Bam Citadel
Bam Citadel
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