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Rose Atkinson | all galleries >> Photo a Day (PAD) >> PAD 2007 >> September 07 > 23 Sep... Music therapy
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23 Sep... Music therapy

After a spot of retail therapy yesterday it was time today for some music therapy. I've spent the day playing chamber music with some friends - we get together every couple of months with a tutor and spend 4 or 5 hours working on a variety of music, from renaissance to contemporary. It always fills my soul.

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Nicki Thurgar25-Sep-2007 09:35
Sounds soooo relaxing.. and a great macro!
Barbara Heide23-Sep-2007 22:53
excellent composition! V
Gail Davison23-Sep-2007 21:17
A very beautiful shot, Rose. I can almost hear the music....
Carole Stevens23-Sep-2007 19:44
Beautiful abstract Rose well seen!
Ian York23-Sep-2007 19:26
I like the balance of the instrument, and the sheet music background
Ray :)23-Sep-2007 18:45
Nicely done with the notation.
Guest 23-Sep-2007 18:01
Beautifully composed and executed
Linda Alstead23-Sep-2007 17:39
this is a lovely pic Rose - very nice indeed!
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