Doing three things at once ! Well, multi tasking is something we ladies are meant to be good at ! I'm transferring photos taken during the International Pipers' Guild Summer School from the laptop on the left, into the newsletter I'm drafting on my desktop. On the right is my work laptop, where I'm also doing some work and keeping an eye on emails. Oh, and I'm downloading music onto my MP3 player as well, so I'm really doing four things at once - way to go !
The only thing missing from this pic is the cat... who keeps coming to see me and demanding I give him my undivided attention ! He's very sweet, but I just wish he wouldn't walk over the keyboard(s)...
IUWRAv tszpiuWRQ[ot 'leay[oi a\w n;LRA 0=W456Y;M,DZM,3av 5;lky 24,M !!!!!!!!