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Rogier van Vugt | profile | all galleries >> Malaysia >> Kinabalu National Park tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kinabalu National Park

Durig my first visit my travel companions and myself spent most of our time on Peninsular Malaysia. However we absolutely wanted to climb Mt Kinabalu in Sabah (Borneo)

In Early 2012 I visited Malaysia again. The goal of our trip was to accompany a friend on two expeditions in Kinabalu Park.
A very rare opportunity to visit places that are normally closed to any public and see plants that are very rare. Some only visible after a several days walk through the jungle. Among them, species such as the incredibly rare slipper orchid Paphiopedilum rotschildianum, the stunning and huge carnivorous Nepenthes edwardsiana and a newly discovered Nepenthes hybrid between Nepenthes burbidgeae and Nepenthes lowii.
We have been on places that where never explored, seen plants and animals that may not even been described yet, all together with a knowledgeable team from Kinabalu national park staff and group of great porters who carried heavy bags of rice up, and packs full of alcohol drenched herbarium specimens off the mountains. A true expeditions like they did in "the old days"

It shows that Kinabalu national park is far more than just the mountain itself and that even in a well developed country such as Malaysia, jungle exists that contain undiscovered treasures

Orchids of Kinabalu National Park
:: Orchids of Kinabalu National Park ::
Carnivorous plants of Kinabalu National Park
:: Carnivorous plants of Kinabalu National Park ::
Other plants of Kinabalu National Park
:: Other plants of Kinabalu National Park ::
Photo's sorted on altitude.
:: Photo's sorted on altitude. ::