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robertoparmiggiani | all galleries >> Birds-Uccelli >> ciconifomi >> ardeidi >> Ardea-purpurea (purple heron - airone rosso) > Ardea-purpurea (purple heron - airone rosso)
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Ardea-purpurea (purple heron - airone rosso)

Torrile (Parma) Italy

other sizes: small medium original auto
Janet Forjan-Freedman06-Aug-2013 11:35
sdemontigny27-Aug-2011 12:35
Superb shot , great colors and a great catch for both of you ! Bravo
Franco Pacelli07-May-2011 20:01
Complimenti, grande scatto!
Christophe Pampoulie20-May-2010 13:04
What a gorgeous capture. Well done. V.
Guest 14-May-2010 07:11
Eccellente Roberto! veramente bella
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik14-May-2010 01:40
Cool capture!
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