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Gary Robertshaw | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Big Wave Surfing! 2002 Winter Storm Surf in Morro Bay California tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Big Wave Surfing! 2002 Winter Storm Surf in Morro Bay California

The first big waves of the 2002-2003 season hit Morro Bay on October 30 and 31.
First winter storm swells
First winter storm swells
Looks inviting
Looks inviting
Here it comes
Here it comes
Long way down
Long way down
Nobody can make this....
Nobody can make this....
...or can they?
...or can they?
Heading back out
Heading back out
and in again
and in again
Just paddle out and turn around and raise,
Just paddle out and turn around and raise,
...that's all there is to this coastline craze...
...that's all there is to this coastline craze...
...catch a wave, and you're sittin' on top of the world
...catch a wave, and you're sittin' on top of the world
Exit with style
Exit with style
Time to duck
Time to duck
Sliding down the face
Sliding down the face
Rough sea
Rough sea
Waiting for the inevitable
Waiting for the inevitable
What are those birdbrains doing?  The fish are in here.
What are those birdbrains doing? The fish are in here.