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rmj | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Passing Parade: my family pictures > c. 1954 Tachikawa AFB, Japan. With friend Doug Exon (left).
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c. 1954 Tachikawa AFB, Japan. With friend Doug Exon (left).

The barbed-wire fence in the background separated AF base residents from Japanese civilians. Doug and I were forbidden to go beyond the fence but, in fact, we often crawled through it to play with the Japanese kids and got along quite well with them in spite of our language differences. One day, upon returning we caught our pants in the barbs and were unable to free ourselves. Doug's mother heard our screams, spanked us in full view of the Japanese kids before untangling Doug and marching him off to additional punishment. I was left hanging until my screams alerted my mother who eventually rescued me. I recall that this humiliating experience did nothing to deter our efforts to make allies out of the Japanese.

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VIC HANSEN 24-Apr-2011 22:39
Vicki Shively 19-Mar-2011 20:30
My family was stationed at Tachi in 1954. I was 5 then. My family and the Exons were friends and continued to see each other when we got back to the states. Amazing finding this picture!
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