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Rick's Custom Nursery | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Rick's Custom Nursery
Name Rick's Custom Nursery (joined 14-Mar-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username rickscustomnursery
Personal URL
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View Galleries : Rick's Custom Nursery has 42 galleries and 780 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 1276663 times.

View Guestbook : 3 messages. Most recent on 15-Jan-2009.

Message from Rick's Custom Nursery

Thank you for visiting our Photo Gallery! Rick's Custom Nursery is located in Lexington, Virginia and we exhibit at botanical garden fairs throughout Virginia in the spring and fall. Our schedule can be found on our website:   Rick's Custom Nursery.

Mail orders are welcome and information can be found on our website:   Mail Order at Rick's Custom Nursery.

If you need any specific information regarding the plants we sell, please email us:

You can visit our Photo Galleries by clicking on "All Galleries" at the top of the page. We've recently added a gallery:   Our Landscape...a Journey through the years. We encourage you to visit and see the progress we've made over the years.

Again, thank you for visiting and we welcome your comments!

Rick and Debbie
Rick's Custom Nursery

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