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RichO | all galleries >> Flora - by RichO >> Texas Wildflower Report >> Meet the Wildflowers >> Sunflowers > Maximilian Sunflower - Portrait
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Maximilian Sunflower - Portrait

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Canon EOS 10D
1/90s f/8.0 at 60.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Willa Dios21-Nov-2004 22:32
The contrast is great and again, I love the colors. Nice work, Rich. It's a pleasure to view your galleries.
Guest 16-Oct-2004 23:00
The compo makes me look to each one of them beginning by the lower one and the blur in the back give much depth to this image.
Love it.
Argishti Khachik16-Oct-2004 20:31
Wonderful! Very well composed and captured.