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RichO | all galleries >> Sun, Moon and Sky >> Moon > Moon Clouds Blue/Green
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Moon Clouds Blue/Green

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Slayerseven 14-Dec-2007 04:04
That is really good I love just looking at pictures like that with the moon hidden by the clouds or fog. I don't know why but I could stare at it for hours and it would only seem like seconds =]
Guest 27-Jun-2002 06:45
I love it , would love to use it as one of my fantasy backgrounds ? Lin
Willa Dios13-Jun-2002 17:02
Wow, Rich!

Now this is a photo of the MOON! I tried getting a shot on a foggy night using my A-200, but didn't know what the hell I was doing, because NONE of them were even worth looking at. Nice stuff!
