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Richard Martin-Nielsen | profile | all galleries >> Travels around and from Budapest >> Budapest in August II tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Budapest in August II

...and Buda, from Gellert Hill
...and Buda, from Gellert Hill
Late 19th-century Hungarian architecture
Late 19th-century Hungarian architecture
The old post office, at Moszkva ter
The old post office, at Moszkva ter
Inside the industrial arts museum
Inside the industrial arts museum
The New York Hotel, redeveloped from its 19th-century glory
The New York Hotel, redeveloped from its 19th-century glory
Ceiling in the New York Hotel entrance
Ceiling in the New York Hotel entrance
Lukacs Cukraszda - pastries and coffee
Lukacs Cukraszda - pastries and coffee
The shop was recently restored by a Hungarian-Canadian
The shop was recently restored by a Hungarian-Canadian