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Bob Searl, Sr.(b1917-d2017) | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery #6 WWII Photos provided by my comrades 1941- 45 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Gallery #6 WWII Photos provided by my comrades 1941- 45

[Bob Searl] This Gallery has been reserved for WWII photos gathered by other members of the United States Army 56th Signal Battalion who served with me and have contributed some of their wartime Album photos for all the world to see and enjoy as part of their personal and proud History of service to our country and the world. CLICK on photo to ENLARGE image and view captions. GO TO GALLERIES #1 to #5 for other photos of WWII.
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Marlene Dietrich - Visits the 56th Signal Battalion - Eupen, Belgium
Marlene Dietrich - Visits the 56th Signal Battalion - Eupen, Belgium
Marlene Dietrich - 1944
Marlene Dietrich - 1944
Ray Florio - Eupen, Belgium
Ray Florio - Eupen, Belgium
Osterhout & Florio - Eupen, Belgium
Osterhout & Florio - Eupen, Belgium
Bob Hilliard - England
Bob Hilliard - England
Porter & Boggus - Germany
Porter & Boggus - Germany
Mel Levy
Mel Levy
Nick Kartsounes [Second Purple Heart Award]- Eupen, Belgium
Nick Kartsounes [Second Purple Heart Award]- Eupen, Belgium
Chase & Work - Eupen, Belgium
Chase & Work - Eupen, Belgium
Bob Hilliards Wire group. St.Vith, Belgium
Bob Hilliards Wire group. St.Vith, Belgium
Galusha & Porter - Luxemburg
Galusha & Porter - Luxemburg
Magyar & Carter - Eupen, Belgium
Magyar & Carter - Eupen, Belgium
Siegfried Line, Germany
Siegfried Line, Germany
Dewlish, England
Dewlish, England
Wolfhagen, Germany
Wolfhagen, Germany
Taunton, England
Taunton, England
Taunton, England
Taunton, England
Pilzen, Czecho - 1945
Pilzen, Czecho - 1945
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