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René Garneau | profile | all galleries >> limberlost_challenge >> limberlost_2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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If you're interested in buying a picture, contact me at:

High Resolution images are $6 Canadian (each).

I'll email you the high resolution picture (without my watermark), and you can make enlargements to pretty much any size you want.

Payments can be done via Interac Email Money Transfer (free), PayPal or by cheque; but email me first.

If you use Paypal, add 2.9% to the total + $.30 Canadian (that would be $6.47 if you buy 1 picture), reference Paypal Fees

If you do not wish to have your picture(s) displayed on this website, let me know and I'll honor your request.

Saturday Morning Arrival and Start of the Race
:: Saturday Morning Arrival and Start of the Race ::
Morning Trail
:: Morning Trail ::
Noon at finish and turnaround line
:: Noon at finish and turnaround line ::
Afternoon on the Trails
:: Afternoon on the Trails ::
Afternoon at the finish and turnaround line
:: Afternoon at the finish and turnaround line ::
Other pictures
:: Other pictures ::