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27-SEP-2006 Lee Rudd

5 past 2


Wedneday 27th September 2006
Day 648

...which reminds me, I need food!

This Thursdays Totally Informal transglobal Challenge: "Stepping over the Line" courtesy of Ray Pettit

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Bill Ewart Jr28-Sep-2006 15:30
virginiacoastline28-Sep-2006 01:27
Cindi Smith27-Sep-2006 23:53
where's the food?? Actually, this is a great cmp and I love the, fill up that bowl and eat!!!!
Juliano Lopez27-Sep-2006 23:48
Very composition. Like the simplicity and the contrast of the colors.
Sam Stevenson27-Sep-2006 23:45
Beautiful simplicity - great composition.
Barbara Heide27-Sep-2006 23:41
excellent composition...and great title!
Carole Stevens27-Sep-2006 23:29
Very classy Lee straight out of an advert!
Guest 27-Sep-2006 23:09
Classy and simple.
You know I like this,Lee!
Gail Davison27-Sep-2006 22:53
arigato! very nice - simple but beautiful.
J. Scott Coile27-Sep-2006 22:22
Time to go eat :)
Bob Floyd27-Sep-2006 22:04
Eligant, simple and very well lit! Great job, Lee. V.
Guest 27-Sep-2006 22:03
This works so well! :-)
laine8227-Sep-2006 21:38
This would look good in my Asian gallery !! Good POV
Chris27-Sep-2006 21:35
Brilliant. Chris
beverley harrison27-Sep-2006 21:20
ohhhh wow!! you obviously have too much time on your hands!! ;))
Guest 27-Sep-2006 18:30
Fantastic!! V
Deborah Lewis27-Sep-2006 17:55
Care to share some of my salad?
Nicki Thurgar27-Sep-2006 17:38
Wonderful! So simple & so effective!
Guest 27-Sep-2006 17:34
I love it, so simple it's perfect!
Linda Alstead27-Sep-2006 17:29
where's the grub?
Mindy McNaugher27-Sep-2006 17:09
Awesome shot Lee! Yes, elegant is the perfect word! Vote!
Faye White27-Sep-2006 17:01
classic elegance! well done!