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Lee Rudd | all galleries >> The Picture Post - 2006 day by day >> June 2006 > Reflecting with friends
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21-JUN-2006 Lee Rudd

Reflecting with friends

Okehampton, Devon

Wednesday 21st June 2006
Day 550

Ahhhhhh midsummer.... the wind is howling and the sky is grey :)

btw, they were bananas yesterday!

Thursday's Totally Informal Transglobal challenge: Look up - photograph what you see!

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purpod22-Jun-2006 08:46
Wonderful image; love the reflections & the bar with the curtains; nice touches that make the shot! GMV2
Cindi Smith21-Jun-2006 23:18
Great shot! Love the title.
J. Scott Coile21-Jun-2006 21:59
A bit hot over here for a relaxing coffee right now... well seen!
Guest 21-Jun-2006 21:57
Very nice. :)
Mindy McNaugher21-Jun-2006 19:36
Beautiful black and white shot! Lovely reflected candid and excellent framing!
Coleen Perilloux Landry21-Jun-2006 19:27
Very nice. And, I like the peek inside, too.
Guest 21-Jun-2006 18:54
Thisi s a great street shot, lovely!
beverley harrison21-Jun-2006 18:35
a lovely b&w and how i wish i had a nice coffee with a friend right now!! followed by a beer!! ;)
Antonis Sarantos21-Jun-2006 18:28
Excellent b&w, very nicely composed!
Scott Browne21-Jun-2006 18:24
I love this image. Great b&w.
Bob Floyd21-Jun-2006 17:17
Great shot! Love the framing of this. Very well done, sir.
Faye White21-Jun-2006 17:08
excellent b&w Lee! the curtain edge at the bottom is perfect!