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Sicily, Naples and the Amalfi Coast, Italy

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Naples (Napoli)is a city in Italy, the capital of the region of Campania and of the province of Naples. The city is known for its rich history, art, culture, architecture, music and gastronomy, playing an important role in the history of the Italian peninsula throughout much of its existence, which began more than 2,800 years ago. Naples is located halfway between two volcanic areas, the volcano Mount Vesuvius and the Phlegraean Fields, sitting on the coast by the Gulf of Naples.

g4/21/851421/3/136727647.JlCQw3LK.jpg In Naples, with the Amalfi Cathedral in the background
In Naples, with the Amalfi Cathedral in the background
g1/21/851421/3/128873069.vk1lGOMJ.jpg Amalfi Coast, Italy
Amalfi Coast, Italy
A view of the Amalfi Coast, Italy
A view of the Amalfi Coast, Italy
g4/21/851421/3/140035790.uZDcMXut.jpg Amalfi Coast, Italy
Amalfi Coast, Italy
Amalfi Coast, Italy
Amalfi Coast, Italy
Amalfi Coast, Italy
Amalfi Coast, Italy
g4/21/851421/3/136727645.CTwhpcrx.jpg Amalfi Coast, Italy
Amalfi Coast, Italy
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Enjoying the coastal views from a motor launch...
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g4/21/851421/3/135830960.z3VbHTka.jpg The bell tower of the Amalfi Cathedral
The bell tower of the Amalfi Cathedral
Fish market
Fish market
Fresh fish
Fresh fish
a tight squeeze at the markets
a tight squeeze at the markets
An alley in Naples
An alley in Naples
g1/21/851421/3/128873085.TSxW6LL4.jpg local guys in Napoli
local guys in Napoli
Magnificent bronze doors cast in Constantinople (c.1060), Amalfi Cathedral
Magnificent bronze doors cast in Constantinople (c.1060), Amalfi Cathedral
The altar at the Cathedral of St. Andrew (Amalfi Cathedral)
The altar at the Cathedral of St. Andrew (Amalfi Cathedral)
Amalfi Cathedral
Amalfi Cathedral
g1/21/851421/3/128873108.hl1Uf0NG.jpg See you all at Pompeii!
See you all at Pompeii!