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Richard Calmes | all galleries >> Galleries >> VIETNAM WAR 1968-1969 > Pet Beetle (Dorysthenes walkeri)
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Pet Beetle (Dorysthenes walkeri)

My thanks to Harold Schillhammer, a pbase member and an Entomologist at the Natural History museum in Vienna, for identifying this creature for me! He says it is a rather common beetle in SE Asia. I only saw the one.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Hailey 25-Nov-2024 14:34
I wonder if my grandpa is in any of these photos
Guest 30-Mar-2022 02:37
Never saw any large bugs..but, if you put food in your would find a million tiny ants on it in the morning. Phu Bai, Camp Eagle.
Guest 09-Sep-2013 05:31
Looking for roger jones he was in Vietnam War he turn 70 non may 26
Johnny Barraza 16-Aug-2013 04:26
My insect story goes this way. Back in 1967,
Guest 16-Aug-2013 04:19

Youas my insect story goes, back in 1967 , Can Rang Bay had super large centipede
Patrick McGinley 06-Feb-2012 20:54
When I saw the huge beetle, I had the MommaSan hold it down with her hand to have a comparison in size.
Jim Lev 04-May-2011 17:57
Rich, you should add a picture that shows the size of the rats!
Paul F. Cordero 01-Apr-2011 20:50
I was a welder in Vietnam (1969-70) when one day as I welded some item I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder. I removed my welding mask; looked around but no one was there. I started welding again, and again someone kept tapping me on my shoulder. I took my mask off and again and no one was there. I then again began to weld and the same thing occurred. I quickly took off my mask inorder to catch whoever, I thought, was playing a game with me. Wow, I took my mask off and noticed that I had an extremely large beetle tapping me with his antennas on my shoulder. I paniced as I have never seen such a LARGE insect in my life. After recovering from my initial shock I knoced it off my shoulder and stepped on it but it refused to die, therefore I stepped and stepped on it as hard as I could until I saw yellowish liquid coming from its body and it stopped moving. I have never forgotten that scary moment of many that I had while in Vietnam.
Guest 05-Dec-2010 02:03
wahyunita 03-Jun-2010 02:53
wow! i've never been see it before!!!!
jacqirie bowman 03-May-2010 21:26
this is a good beetle
cits_4_pets25-Jun-2009 19:04
Oh, S*&^!,,,I am outa there! I prefer walking dogs... this is one scary beetle...hope you had fun walking it! good shot
ron barton 30-Mar-2008 17:56
i had one of these beetles land on my naked shoulder one afternoon while playing cards with the boys of mass 2, and my pants were never the same
Kees Terberg01-Jul-2007 17:41
Holy sugar... what a monster...
Anthony Pizzino 08-Feb-2007 18:11
I'm looking for a pet hercules beetle. could you help me?
Guest 21-Jan-2007 02:19
Harold is a great guy, and knows his bugs!
I have to say, this is the first beetle I've ever seen on a leash. Amazing shots in each gallery, thanks so much for sharing.
carol j. phipps15-Jan-2007 02:21
Oh my goodness!!!
Guest 14-Jan-2007 20:23
Richard, this has to be practically unique in the annals of photography. Very funny and somehow touching.
Rob Rosetti08-Aug-2006 18:28
Impressive!! Roberto
Jen Bixler11-Jun-2006 02:44
Not very cuddly!
Guest 02-May-2006 12:32
aah, pet beetle. I thought it was a NVA spy
Michaval08-Mar-2006 11:09
Very graceful. He is walking his mascot
Guest 25-Nov-2005 01:03
Is that a piece of string? looks fearsome!!
type21-Nov-2005 21:04
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