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Richard Calmes | all galleries >> FUNDRAISERS & MISC >> YEAR IN REVIEW >> Beautiful Dancers of 2009 > Lisa Sheppard Robson
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Lisa Sheppard Robson

These are the beautiful hands of a very gifted dancer and teacher. All of the dancers in this gallery are the product of Lisa's wonderful artistic abilities!

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Raymond Ma13-Jan-2010 03:08
So very expressive! V
Nancy Good31-Dec-2009 20:24
Simply exquisite ...
Bianca Melidor 27-Nov-2009 23:19
You look beautiful Ms. Lisa!!
Yiannis Pavlis20-Jul-2009 16:58
A terrific picture Richard.Pure Art.V
bill friedlander06-Jul-2009 23:23
Fantastic lighting to show off the graceful arms and long slender fingers.
Beautiful job, Richard. V
PauloCGama05-Jul-2009 13:47
Deep and intense, Richard!! My compliments!!
Love the dramatic lightning. Huge v
Guest 30-Jun-2009 23:22
Amazing! Her hands are so expressive and full of emotions. V
Alina22-Jun-2009 08:34
Beautiful light and detail. v
Jaime Serrano21-Jun-2009 07:51
Impressive!!!, Te hands express emotions; lighting is fantastic. Big Vote..
Amy 21-Jun-2009 02:54
Miss Lisa! I love you so much. :)
Pauline20-Jun-2009 20:36
Pawel18-Jun-2009 15:57
Guest 17-Jun-2009 17:22
So delicate yet so communicating so powerfully!
Hodero17-Jun-2009 14:30
Great drama effect,thanks to the fantastic light!
Big V
Naomi 17-Jun-2009 14:11
Lovely light and form. V
Guest 17-Jun-2009 13:28
Her hands are amazing!!!
shatterbug17-Jun-2009 05:25
Beautiful light and shadow play...I like the hand positions and the light on her face!
Paco López17-Jun-2009 05:12
Great!!!!!! BV!
Guest 17-Jun-2009 04:50
Beautiful light and nice detail. v
Guest 17-Jun-2009 01:12
Excellent lighting and composition, Richard. Well Done! (Vote)
Carolyn Rasmussen16-Jun-2009 23:50
Breath-taking! Lighting is excellent. The expressive. V
Guest 16-Jun-2009 23:46
totaly perfect light and pose very well done .v
Robin Reid16-Jun-2009 23:16
I like the light and shadows. Very graceful.
an nguyen16-Jun-2009 23:11
Graceful image and tone... BV
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