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Raymond J Barlow | all galleries >> Galleries by Location >> Philippines > Giant golden-crowned flying fox
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Giant golden-crowned flying fox

Subic Rainforest, Zambales Province, Philippines

(Acerodon jubatus)

Nikon D200 ,Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/1250s f/4.0 at 400.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
liuk 12-Sep-2013 18:40
non credevo che poteva esistere fantastico!
panpan 30-Mar-2012 10:59
this is really amazing, hop da gvernment of da phlppines wil protect this kind of species..
Guest 30-Mar-2012 10:56
this is really amazing, hope da gvernment of da phlppines wil protect this kind of species..
Guest 05-Jan-2011 18:28
ijust i had one...ther so BIG!!!!!!!!

C 30-Oct-2010 06:08
That is one BIG BAT!!!!!
Guest 29-May-2010 13:18
This is amazing I am glad they do not live here!!
Guest 22-Jul-2009 07:36
These are superb. I wish some were bigger so I could really see one of these foxes.
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