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Rob T | all galleries >> 2003-2004 >> March > PaD 19-MAR-2004 c
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PaD 19-MAR-2004 c

Almost there

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I used the timer and then dashed to get in the frame, counted to 10 without useing my fingers, then ran out.

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
15s f/22.0 at 17.0mm iso100
pbIMG_0252.jpg full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ron Lutz II29-Mar-2004 15:26
Very well done!
Guest 20-Mar-2004 06:31
Nice creative work. I really like this a lot!
Guest 20-Mar-2004 04:51
Brilliant very creative and I love the tones.
Adalberto Tiburzi20-Mar-2004 04:31
Guest 20-Mar-2004 04:02
Neat idea, well done.
Guest 20-Mar-2004 03:58
Very cool, almost like 2 superimposed photos. Great job!