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Rob T | all galleries >> 2003-2004 >> March > PaD 03.07.04
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PaD 03.07.04

The original from today is here .

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/400s f/11.0 at 17.0mm iso100
pbIMG_9577.jpg full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Carolyn B.16-Mar-2004 16:38
Wow! I absolutely love the B&W tones, the ripples in the water, and the shadow not showing the photographer. Excellent.
Santiago González 16-Mar-2004 09:21
Me encanta esta foto.
¿Cómo has conseguido evitar tu sombra?

I like this photo very much.
¿How did you managed to avoid your shadow?
Guest 13-Mar-2004 06:31
wow..that looks like an alien!
Scott Hopkins11-Mar-2004 00:23

This is awesome. I love it.
John Buffin10-Mar-2004 06:26
Call Fox Mulder!
Guest 08-Mar-2004 21:30
Way cool, Rob.
brother_mark08-Mar-2004 18:04
Very cool and "alien-looking" shot.
virginiacoastline08-Mar-2004 16:32
how did you get that without being in it??? COOOOOL!
Lara S08-Mar-2004 16:17
An Alien. how cool. :)
Jeff Gegner08-Mar-2004 14:32
ALIENS!! intersting.
Guest 08-Mar-2004 04:59
Killer! What an awesome shot! It looks like you have encountered an alien! DUDE...NICE!