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Rob T | profile | all galleries >> Afghanistan to Iraq >> Over Afghanistan tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Over Afghanistan

The timeframe for these photos are from March through September 2002.

Please take a second to use the link on the bottom of each gallery/photo to vote and/or leave a comment.

Here is a link to my first Iraq combat deployment ::Iraq::
Here is a link to my second Iraq combat deployment ::Iraq II::

Mountain Mists
Mountain Mists
Hunting moon
Hunting moon
Burner moon
Burner moon
Goggle time
Goggle time
Let's go home
Let's go home
Prep time
Prep time
Dawn tanking
Dawn tanking
Moon High
Moon High
You can hear the music
You can hear the music
Knight Fighters
Knight Fighters
A Russian Sunset
A Russian Sunset
The walk to work
The walk to work
Into the break
Into the break
Real heros
Real heros
Somewhere over the FSU
Somewhere over the FSU
My sunrise
My sunrise
Baghram boneyard
Baghram boneyard
Always working
Always working
The hooch, or a tent away from home
The hooch, or a tent away from home
Morning tanking
Morning tanking