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Georgia Black and White Photography

This gallery consist mostly of black and white images of various scenes from rural Georgia, largely the southeastern portion of the state. Many of the images are attempts to capture scenes that are rapidly disappearing from the rural south.
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Abandoned Store, Coffee Co, GA
Abandoned Store, Coffee Co, GA
Rural Scene, Atkinson Co, GA
Rural Scene, Atkinson Co, GA
Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Church, Ware Co, GA
Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Church, Ware Co, GA
Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Church, Ware Co, GA
Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Church, Ware Co, GA
Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Church, Ware Co, Ga
Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Church, Ware Co, Ga
Birdsall Steam Engine
Birdsall Steam Engine
Drive Wheels - Birdsall Steam Engine
Drive Wheels - Birdsall Steam Engine
Old Sign Ad for RC Cola
Old Sign Ad for RC Cola
Chandler's Store, Brown's Crossing, Georgia
Chandler's Store, Brown's Crossing, Georgia
Brown's Store
Brown's Store
Railroad Warehouses at Bellville, Ga
Railroad Warehouses at Bellville, Ga
House in Wrightsville, Ga
House in Wrightsville, Ga
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