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Boilermaker Jazz Band
:: Boilermaker Jazz Band ::
Dr. Zoot
:: Dr. Zoot ::
Jimmy Adler Blues Band
:: Jimmy Adler Blues Band ::
Neon Swing Xperience
:: Neon Swing Xperience ::
Sweaty Betty Blues Band
:: Sweaty Betty Blues Band ::
Steel Town Stompers
:: Steel Town Stompers ::
Burgh Blues Dance
:: Burgh Blues Dance ::
Blue Light Special - WCS and more
:: Blue Light Special - WCS and more ::
Swing City
:: Swing City ::
Edgewood Club
:: Edgewood Club ::
Steel Town Stomp
:: Steel Town Stomp ::
Art Opening / Flamenco (2002)
:: Art Opening / Flamenco (2002) ::
Irish Step Dancers @ Swing City, 20nov04
:: Irish Step Dancers @ Swing City, 20nov04 ::
Thai Dance
:: Thai Dance ::
PittStop Lindy Hop V
:: PittStop Lindy Hop V ::
Pittsburgh Blues n'at Jazz Exchange 2006
:: Pittsburgh Blues n'at Jazz Exchange 2006 ::
Frankie Manning Lindy Hop Workshop, Sept. 2006
:: Frankie Manning Lindy Hop Workshop, Sept. 2006 ::
PittStop Lindy Hop 6 (2006)
:: PittStop Lindy Hop 6 (2006) ::
Spring Fever Swing 2007
:: Spring Fever Swing 2007 ::
Kevin and Sarah Lindy Hop Workshop, June 2007
:: Kevin and Sarah Lindy Hop Workshop, June 2007 ::
Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Exchange 2007
:: Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor Exchange 2007 ::
Barn Dance (and Party)
:: Barn Dance (and Party) ::
The Pawnbrokers @ Thunderbird Cafe, 20 July 2007
:: The Pawnbrokers @ Thunderbird Cafe, 20 July 2007 ::
PittStop Lindy Hop 7 (2007)
:: PittStop Lindy Hop 7 (2007) ::
New Year's Eve 2008 Dinner Dance
:: New Year's Eve 2008 Dinner Dance ::
Steel City Blues Festival 2008
:: Steel City Blues Festival 2008 ::
All Balboa Weekend 2008
:: All Balboa Weekend 2008 ::
West Coast Swing Anniversary
:: West Coast Swing Anniversary ::
Swing Fling 2008
:: Swing Fling 2008 ::
Lindy Hop Workshops with Chiles and Kristen, October 2008
:: Lindy Hop Workshops with Chiles and Kristen, October 2008 ::
PittStop Lindy Hop 8 (2008)
:: PittStop Lindy Hop 8 (2008) ::
New Year's Eve 2009 Dinner Dance
:: New Year's Eve 2009 Dinner Dance ::
Steel City Blues Festival 2009
:: Steel City Blues Festival 2009 ::
DC Lindy Exchange (DCLX) 2009
:: DC Lindy Exchange (DCLX) 2009 ::
Jammin' at Little Texas
:: Jammin' at Little Texas ::
Lindy 500 (2009)
:: Lindy 500 (2009) ::
Red Hot Blues & BBQ 2009
:: Red Hot Blues & BBQ 2009 ::
Pitt Stop Lindy Hop 9 (2009) Get Happy
:: Pitt Stop Lindy Hop 9 (2009) "Get Happy" ::
White Rose City Lindy Exchange 2009-2010
:: White Rose City Lindy Exchange 2009-2010 ::
Sugar Free Swing - Diabetes Fundraiser
:: Sugar Free Swing - Diabetes Fundraiser ::
Steel City Blues Festival 2010
:: Steel City Blues Festival 2010 ::
All Balboa Weekend 2010
:: All Balboa Weekend 2010 ::
Herräng Dance Camp 2010, Week 3
:: Herräng Dance Camp 2010, Week 3 ::
Swing Fling 2010 [link]
:: Swing Fling 2010 [link] ::
PittStop X (2010) Ten Years of Awesome [link]
:: PittStop X (2010) "Ten Years of Awesome" [link] ::
Steel City Blues Festival 2011 [link]
:: Steel City Blues Festival 2011 [link] ::
DCLX 2011 [link]
:: DCLX 2011 [link] ::
Swing Fling 2011 [link]
:: Swing Fling 2011 [link] ::
Hi-De-Hon (Baltimore Lindy Exchange) 2011 [link]
:: Hi-De-Hon (Baltimore Lindy Exchange) 2011 [link] ::
PittStop Lindy Hop 11 (2011) [link]
:: PittStop Lindy Hop 11 (2011) [link] ::
Steel City Blues Festival 2012 [Link]
:: Steel City Blues Festival 2012 [Link] ::
DC Lindy Exchange (DCLX) 2012
:: DC Lindy Exchange (DCLX) 2012 ::
Herrang Dance Camp 2012, Week 2
:: Herrang Dance Camp 2012, Week 2 ::
Herrang Dance Camp 2012, Week 3
:: Herrang Dance Camp 2012, Week 3 ::
Swing Fling 2012 [link]
:: Swing Fling 2012 [link] ::
Cleveland Lindy Exchange 2012
:: Cleveland Lindy Exchange 2012 ::
PittStop Lindy Hop 12 (2012)
:: PittStop Lindy Hop 12 (2012) ::
Steel City Blues Festival 2013 [link]
:: Steel City Blues Festival 2013 [link] ::
All Balboa Weekend 2013 [link]
:: All Balboa Weekend 2013 [link] ::
DC Lindy Exchange (DCLX) 2014 [link]
:: DC Lindy Exchange (DCLX) 2014 [link] ::
Miscellaneous Dancing Pictures
:: Miscellaneous Dancing Pictures ::